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Really really nice staff. The doctors take time to get to know u. Such a good place to go and have your teeth fixed !!

The Dentists are very nice to me and take their time

I have a great respect and admiration for ALL the Doctors and staff at Arrowhead Orthodontics! They are all so knowledgeable and prepared, and SO completely friendly. Being a child of 62 years old, (ha-ha, hee-hee, lol, being very non-serious), I was a tad bit worried about just how these braces would work for an old codger like myself. But, worry and be nervous is to be no more! And it has been a feeling that I have had for a long period of time. Why? Because, as stated above, these folk's at Arrowhead Orthodontics are ALL very good, and I know they are doing an excellent job for me on my teeth. I love to talk about historical matters, occurances, and places with Trish, Dee Anne, Morgan, & Dr. Kirsten. In my years, I have been around a lot, done a lot, and know a lot about a number of places, events, & people. I have shared a lot of this knowledge with these good folk's, & I can see by how they react that they are interested in what I say. Intrigued is the word! I can say that Morgan did not know what to think when I told her, that 65 years ago, just South of Dr. Iverson's office in Two Harbors, there was a massively large mountain of "black coal" there. And I have talked to Trish about Swatara, Haypoint, & Remer Minn. I worked in these places in the 1970's on the $oo Line Railroad. I have always had a large gift of gab, even when they are telling me to open & close my mouth & also sticking ortho & dental instruments in my mouth. I manage to somehow get it out!! What does that tell you? Take care always, Arrowhead Orhtodontics! RICKY M. CLARK WALDO, MINN. (TWO HARBORS)

Got my braces on yesterday and so far, so good! The assistant, Selena, explained every step of the process and showed me how to care for my braces. Dr. Kristin was really nice and funny and put me at ease. The receptionist was really nice too. Overall, they made the experience as pleasant as possible. I look forward to coming back throughout my time in braces.