I have a great respect and admiration for ALL the Doctors and staff at Arrowhead Orthodontics! They are all so knowledgeable and prepared, and SO completely friendly. Being a child of 62 years old, (ha-ha, hee-hee, lol, being very non-serious), I was a tad bit worried about just how these braces would work for an old codger like myself. But, worry and be nervous is to be no more! And it has been a feeling that I have had for a long period of time. Why? Because, as stated above, these folk's at Arrowhead Orthodontics are ALL very good, and I know they are doing an excellent job for me on my teeth. I love to talk about historical matters, occurances, and places with Trish, Dee Anne, Morgan, & Dr. Kirsten. In my years, I have been around a lot, done a lot, and know a lot about a number of places, events, & people. I have shared a lot of this knowledge with these good folk's, & I can see by how they react that they are interested in what I say. Intrigued is the word! I can say that Morgan did not know what to think when I told her, that 65 years ago, just South of Dr. Iverson's office in Two Harbors, there was a massively large mountain of "black coal" there. And I have talked to Trish about Swatara, Haypoint, & Remer Minn. I worked in these places in the 1970's on the $oo Line Railroad. I have always had a large gift of gab, even when they are telling me to open & close my mouth & also sticking ortho & dental instruments in my mouth. I manage to somehow get it out!! What does that tell you? Take care always, Arrowhead Orhtodontics! RICKY M. CLARK WALDO, MINN. (TWO HARBORS)